Static stress analysis online calculator

This online tool can compute deflections, reactions, internal element forces of two dimensional elastic structures using direct stiffness and mass assembly. You can choose from multiple beam configurations, profiles and materials. Also you can add any number of point loads. This software generates extensive output, thankfully to a Frame3DD solver.

fixation type
0F = 101000
Input data:
Length: 1000mm
Left: Fixed end
Right: None
Material: Сталь 25Г2С
Density: 7850 kg/m3
E: 200,000 MPa
G: 77,000 MPa
Ax: 314.16mm2 Jx: 490.87mm2
Asz: 314.16mm2 Iy 245.44mm4
Jx: 490.87mm4 Iz: 245.44mm4
Simulation results:
Displacements (mm):
# x y z xx yy zz
Reactions (newtons):
# x y z xx yy zz